Winnetka, Elections

5 candidates for 4 seats on Winnetka District 36 School Board

A challenger is taking on the four candidates recommended by the Winnetka Caucus in the race for four seats on the Winnetka Public Schools District 36 School Board.

The election features caucus-slated candidates Emily Rose (incumbent, board president), Luke Figora, Katherine Myers-Crum and Marena Rudy, as well as Patrick Conway, who was nominated for the caucus slate but failed to receive the necessary support for selection.

Three incumbents — Maxie Clarke, Dawn Livingston (two terms) and Megan Panje-Wilson — are not seeking re-election.

Each candidate was interviewed by The Record Editor in Chief Joe Coughlin and their responses were recorded and are available below. The questions are listed in the order they were asked, and the candidates are listed in the order they will appear on the ballot. You can use the navigation tools below to skip to specific question that interests you. To listen to a candidate’s answers in order, click here: Luke Figora | Emily Rose (incumbent) | Katherine Myers-Crum | Marena Rudy | Patrick Conway

JUMP TO: Introductions | Community Accomplishments | Campaign Funding | Addressing Race in Classroom | Removing Books | Mental Health | Other Important Issues | Closing Statement

Why are you running for Winnetka District 36 School Board?

Describe one or two things you are proud of from your time in public and/or community service

How much have you raised in campaign funding and from how many donors? How is it being spent? Are you or have you accepted money from donors pushing partisan interests?

What do you think of how race and racial issues are addressed in Winnetka D36 classrooms? What should be the board’s role in that discussion?

As a board member, would you take proactive steps to remove books from the school — whether from the curriculum or student resources (libraries)?

With child, especially adolescent, mental health a growing concern, how is the district addressing student mental health and what more can be done?

What is another big issue or two facing the district and how will you help address it? 

Closing statements

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This article was developed using publicly available information, such as press releases, municipal records and social media posts.

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