Wilmette, Community

North Shore honors fallen soldiers on Memorial Day

Patriotism took to the streets in Wilmette and Winnetka on Monday morning.

The towns observed Memorial Day with their annual parades that led to their respective ceremonies — Wilmette’s on the Village Hall Green and Winnetka’s in Village Green Park.

Kenilworth held a similar event — a parade followed by a ceremony — but a week earlier on Sunday, May 19. Glencoe welcomed residents to Veterans Memorial Park on Memorial Day for a ceremony with guest speakers and the presentation of a memorial wreath.

Up in Highland Park, the City partnered with American Legion Post No. 145, Jewish War Veterans Post No. 29 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 4737 for a solemn observance on Monday at Highland Park High School.

David Millman during the national anthem at Wilmette’s ceremony.
A Wilmette fire truck flies an American flag in Wilmette on Memorial Day.
In Wilmette’s parade are (left to right) Trustee Gerry Smith, Village President Senta Plunkett and Trustee Gina Kennedy.
Marine Capt. Jimmy Sloan (left) with Jenny Sloan and Emmeett Sloan, 8, in Wilmette.
Winnetka Girl Scouts during the parade on Memorial Day.
WInnetka Scouts carry the memorial wreath for the Memorial Day observance.
The Memorial Day parade in Winnetka marches down Elm Street.

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joe coughlin
Joe Coughlin

Joe Coughlin is a co-founder and the editor in chief of The Record. He leads investigative reporting and reports on anything else needed. Joe has been recognized for his investigative reporting and sports reporting, feature writing and photojournalism. Follow Joe on Twitter @joec2319

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