Wilmette, News

Trustees OK changes on public displays on Village Green

Wilmette trustees approved a resolution on Tuesday authorizing the village manager to implement and enforce an updated policy for third-party use of the Village Hall Green for unattended public displays. 

Village attorney Jeffrey Stein said the policy is “very limited and narrow” and is essentially a codification of the village’s existing practice to allow the use of the green. There are, however, additional guidelines and parameters for the use of the space, located outside of Village Hall.

Per Stein, the parameters are largely related to “the time, place and manner of which unintended displays can take place.” 

Stein said these parameters are necessary to ensure the primary purpose of the green, which is for community gathering and use, are not hindered.

According to a memo to the Village Board, the rules and regulations require a no-fee permit to be obtained prior to any display being placed on the village green. 

“That permit application requires information regarding the contact information and the identity of the person, entity, or group desiring to place a display on the Green,” the memo reads. 

Rules and regulations also include the designation of four similarly sized locations on the south side of the village green that may be used by private parties to erect and maintain a display, the memo says. Displays can take place for up to 21 days, per the resolution. Several other provisions are also included. 

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martin carlino
Martin Carlino

Martin Carlino is a co-founder and the senior editor who assigns and edits The Record stories, while also bylining articles every week. Martin is an experienced and award-winning education reporter who was the editor of The Northbrook Tower.

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