News Briefs: New websites for NTHS, Wilmette library; Upcoming ‘conversation on race’; Sally’s Nuts celebrates 1 year
Two local institutions debuted new websites this fall.
According to a video tutorial, New Trier High School’s new site has a new “and improved” search function which allows users to use keyword searches and has clickable icons for commonly searched areas.
The site also features a translation button that can turn the site’s text into other languages, and the former staff intranet, TrevianNet, has been replaced with a sign-in link at the bottom of the site.
School news, event listings and more are featured prominently on the site, and a new calendar is also available.
The Wilmette Public Library unveiled its new site on Oct. 4, saying in a post online that library staff worked on the site for six months “and have tried to create a site that has both the information you need as well as exciting content you didn’t know you were looking for.”
Among other things, the site includes custom book lists, service pages for interests such as genealogy and local business, and new interactive and search features. There are also dedicated digital spaces for library audiences, such as teens, kids and families.
Local Rotary club to host ‘Conversation on Race’
The Rotary Club of Wilmette Harbor is inviting community members to participate in a discussion on “how we can make our village a more welcoming place” for individuals of color.
The event, “A Conversation on Race: A Welcoming Community” is set for 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 3 at the club, 20 Harbor Drive in Wilmette’s Gillson Park.
The panelists are: Miya Hasegawa, member of Healing Everyday Racism in Our Schools (HEROS); John Jacoby, Village of Wilmette historian and former Village of Wilmette president; the Rev. Erin Raska, associate minister at Glencoe Union Church former pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette; and Gerry Smith, chairperson of the Village of Wilmette Human Relations Commission.
The club is inviting the community to submit questions and ideas to sefisher@ameritech.net.

Sally’s Nuts — the business started by Wilmette resident Sally Schoch, as reported by The Record — is preparing to celebrate its one year anniversary on Nov. 7.
The storefront in Highland Park offers sweet and salty snacks off recipes Schoch developed years ago. It will host a delayed grand opening to mark the occasion on Nov. 6 with a ribbon cutting at 11 a.m.
“We somehow made it a whole year through this craziness, and we are so grateful! We want to celebrate,” said Schoch in a press release.
Schoch and her daughter Kari Guhl opened the space together.
“We’ve loved getting to know our customers and have been keeping our ears open, listening for what they might want next,” Guhl said in the release. “We definitely have some tricks up our sleeves as we head into the winter months. Stay tuned.”
The release says the celebration will launch six weeks of events, promotions and announcements, including new gift package offerings for the holiday season. Details will be made available on social media and via email.
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This article was developed using publicly available information, such as press releases, municipal records and social media posts.