North Shore art tradition reaches centennial, brings thousands to Hubbard Woods Park
More than 4,000 art lovers and friends enjoyed a sun-drenched weekend at the 100th Art in the Village Friday-Saturday, June 22-23, in Hubbard Woods Park in Winnetka, according to a press release from the North Shore Art League, the event’s organizer.
The Art in the Village juried show featured an diverse lineup of artists from across the country showcasing their work in oil paintings, mixed media, photography, sculpture, jewelry and more.
“What a fantastic weekend!” said Linda Nelson, the art league’s executive director in a statement. “… We were thrilled with the caliber of the artists that displayed and sold their work. Many happy art enthusiasts and community members attended the show, and the board, staff and volunteers worked hard to ensure its success.”
Professional artists and art league faculty members Brian Sindler and Michael Van Zeyl served as judges for the show.
“It was an honor to be selected to be a judge for the show,” Van Zeyl said in a statement. “I thought the art overall was very well presented and the artists each had a great story to tell about their process or the meaning behind their work.”
In addition to the fair, there was an ice cream social featuring ice cream from Graeter’s Ice Cream, a silent auction showcasing donated works from the artists, and a portrait artist, Lisa DePinto, on-site to paint quick oil portraits.
The North Shore Art League and their educational outreach efforts were the beneficiaries of all proceeds from the silent auction and raffle.
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This article was developed using publicly available information, such as press releases, municipal records and social media posts.