Honoring The Fallen: Residents who died while in service to their country
In honor of Memorial Day on Monday, May 29, below is a list of heroes from New Trier Township (Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe and Kenilworth) and Highland Park who died while serving their country with the United States armed forces.
CIVIL WAR (1861-1865)
John Augustus Fiegen
James A. Mulligan
Charles Davis
George Wilson
Highland Park
Thomas Moroney
John H.A. Mirosky
WORLD WAR I (1917-1918)
Allyn Taber Anderson
Franklin Barney Bellows
Louis Mason Bruch
Alfred J. Francesco
Henry George Hebron
Douglas Thomas Hoffman
Peter John Huerter
Robert P. Irvine
Eugene Blanchard Jones
John Paul McArdie
William Cooke Pope
George V. Seibold
Cedric Allan Smith
Dinsmore Ely
Roswell Hayes Fuller
Vincenzio di Georgio
James Edward Hayward
Wesley Major Juleff
George Raymond Kelly
Fletcher Ladd McCordic
Pasquale Salerno
Phillip Comfort Starr
Charles Douglass Weart
George Brandenburg
Leon Bullard
Marinus Christensen
Norman Hillock
Kenneth MacLeish
Franklin Barney Bellow
Andrew Courtney Campbell Jr.
Charles Purcell Macklin
Walter H. Shulze
Manierre Barlow Ware
Highland Park
Edwin Benson
Barnes Bertness
Joy Bournique
Frank Daniels
Barney Ivy
Horatio Powell
Constance Shields
Paul Snyder
Dumaresq Spencer
Ellsworth Sotker
Walter Stupey
John Tenbroeck
WORLD WAR II (1941-1946)
Alfred Beecher Abeles
David Reeves Allison
Harry Anderson
George B. Bassler Jr.
Byron Hill Beaton
Gus George Bebas
Clement A. Berghoff Jr.
John L. Birong
Raymond E. Boudart
Robert John Boyle
Walter Dominic Campana
James Thomas Clarke
John Harding Coyne
Norman Louis Craig
William Saylor Culver
John Neil Currie
Henry William Dalton
Gayle W. Dearborn
Robert I. Dieterich
William F. Dieterich
Gene Frederick Drake
Stafford W. Drake Jr.
William Dayton Durham
William R. Faris III
Thomas Magill Fread
Guy Middleton Freeman
Edward Stanley Gardner
Carl Leon Geppert
Chester Laval Haigh Jr.
Carl Bertram Hall
Charles David Hall
Mark Hall
Jerome Joseph Harvey
Eugene E. Hasselberg
Howard Swain Henderson
Richard W. Hickman III
Henry C. Hoffmeyer
Thomas Roy Huck
Robert William Kaye
George R. Kivland
Robert Gerold Kraft
Charles F. Kremer Jr.
Donald J. LaCombe
John Robinson Lang
Edward E. Liese
Harold Lindberg Jr.
Victor C. McKeighan
Robert Aram Mestijan
Donald Lee Millard
Laurence Michael Murphy
Eleanor Campbell Nate
Joseph C. Nate
Donald H. Niggemeyer
Richard Bernard Nilles
Lawrence Henry Noel II
Warren Ayres Palmer
John Kinney Parshall Jr.
Alexander M. Patch III
Edgar Gayle Penney
Alfred Proudfood Jr.
Anthony John Reinwald
James Brownlee Rice
James V. Rowley
Richard Paul Rudd
Robert Joseph Rudd
Albert Arthur Sargent
John R. Sawyer
Edward James Schnell
David Hanna Skillin
Robert Charles Specht
Richard Joseph Steffens
Thomas Joseph Steffens
Albert C. Steinhoff
Harriet Joan Stevens
Edward R. Stone
Donald Moore Swingley
Alfred John Toscani
Harvey Wallace Tuber
Theodore E. Wall
Kenneth Gordon Wayt
Ralph William White
Paul M. Wipperfurth
James Deming Wolff
Arthur John Augdahl
Alan Bachrach
Edward Harold Bagley Jr.
John Carden Bagley
John Wilder Ball
John Endicott Bradstreet Jr.
John Russell Brown Jr.
Robert Bowen Brown Jr.
James Sallee Browne
William Walker Cassell
Nicholas Thomas Chorak
Melvin I. Danner Jr.
John Hutchinson Darrow
Malcolm Whitlock Duncan
William Sprague Eddy Jr.
Charles Theodore Eiden
Arvid Ferdinand Ekholm Jr.
Jack E. Engelhardt
James Ferguson Jr.
William Monroe Fletcher
Leon W. Fried
Robert J. Gallagher
Edward Ashley Gerhard Jr.
Frederick Charles Gordon Jr.
Henry Gund Gordon
John Wadsworth Gordon
Alan Gottlieb
Harry Grant
Francis G. Grosse Jr.
James William Haase
Ralph C. Hamill Jr.
Harry Marshall Hansen
William Jerome Hedger Jr.
Grover Martin Hermann Jr.
Fred Arthur Hicks
Robert D. Hook
George Kellogg Hooker
Wiley Jerome Huddle
Ralph Kenneth Jones
John S. Ketcham
David Ralph Lebeson
Samuel Adams Lynde III
Donald Macomber
Harold Shepardson Marsh
Thomas Lees Marshall
Richard Lee Mathias
Jack Mann McGregor
William Jonathan McJunkin
David Burnham McNally
James Joseph McNulty Jr.
Fielding Lowry Mercer
Donel O’Brien
Roger Ferris Pedersen
Robert E. Petrie
John Bradford Phillips
Ralph Arthur Raclin
Earl Seymour Wharton Reebie
H. William Roberts
Frank M. Robinson
Robert Shaw Ross
William Van Dyke Scribner
Scott Sheldon Simpson
Gordon H. Sinclair
Francis Charles Smedley
Lynam Arthur Smith
Clifford W. Snyder
David Seymour Strong
Stewart Paul Sullivan
Richard Everett Thatcher
Richard Pomeroy Washburne
Donald Whyte
Rober Leopold Wolff Jr.
Richard Joseph Wood
Millicent Yates
Basil Wilfred Andrews
Frank Crane Baer
William F. Baumann
George Joseph Beinlich Jr.
Gilbert Clarence Bills
Edward Joseph Brockman
Roger Bartlett Brown
Thomas P. Chavis
Alan Lippett David
Foster Miler Fargo
Benjamin H. Goodman Jr.
Francise G. Crosse
Donald Frederick Hamley
Martin Charles Helke
John Powers Hicks
Jack Kirschbraun
Donald Kraus
Robert Bandent Long
Edward B. Lott
W. Philip McNulty II
James Harrington Musson
John Pendergast
Ian Fraser Preston
Robert D. Robertson
Lawrence E. Teich
Lee W. Walker Jr.
John Jasper Yowell Jr.
James William Clements
William M. Cooter
John Austin Doty
Albert R. Fleischman Jr.
Arthur R. Foss Jr.
Robert A. Johnson
James H. Kingsley
John H. Lawson Jr.
Robert C. McEwen
Fergus Mead Jr.
William T. Meyers
William L. Mitten
Robert M. Thomas
Highland Park
Everett Anderson
Chas. Barnhart
Kenneth Beall
Lyman Benson
Norbert Bigley
Carroll Binder Jr.
George Bowden
George Brannan
Richard Bessler
Thomas Chavis
Alfred Christensen
Charles Clark
Leon Conner
Leonard Cowell
Philip Dering Jr.
Joseph Detmer
Chester Epstein
John Fealey
Donald Gibson
Frederick Groesbeck
Francis Grosse Jr.
Edward Harrington
H.B. Henrickson
Robert Hirsch
John Hobson
Byron Howes Jr.
Seward Hulse
Anker Jeppesen
Chandler Johnson
David Johnson Jr.
James Kirk Jr.
Joseph Loizzo
Lloyd Magusson
Robert Moon
Howell Murray
John Ori
Jerry Parsons
Vincent Peddle
Francis Pennell
Robert Phillips
Eugene Renner
Robert Riddle
Curtis Rogers
Francis Ronzani
James Schaeffer
Louis Schultz Jr.
Jack Sharples
Ray Shupe
Frederick Stroud
Donald Templeton
Jay Tramaine
Milton B. Tillman
Foster Troy
Irwin Veitch
Murray Waxman
Alexander Wolak
Mathew Wolak
Daniel Wolterding
William Wright Jr.
Lawrence Wygal
Daniel Zick
KOREAN WAR (1950-1955)
Emmons W. DeBerard
Robert E. Moon
Charles R. O’Keefe
Edward A. Shine
Richard Sherwin Streeter
Franklin P. Dunbaugh
Claude Seymour Reebie
Courtenay C. Davis Jr.
Grant Ridgeway Ellis
Clifton H. Stowers Jr.
Jack Workman
Highland Park
William Barron
Shelby Brown Jr.
James Gerrington
Richard Gilbert
Frank Henderson
Robert Larson
Edward Moroney Jr.
Lawrence Rafferty
William Wilbur Jr.
VIETNAM WAR (1961-1975)
Robert George Keats
Nelson S. Lehman Jr.
Richard Scott Voigts
Albert John Zuska
William Francis Benoist III
Samuel Mansfield Cherry
Donald Perkins
Michael Rich
Charles Richtmyre
Andrew J. Tellis
Robert Varick
Benjamin Bertram Finzer
Andrew J. Tellis
Highland Park
Frank Kolbeck
George Schwalbach
William Stepp
John Stuller
Robert Taft
Richard A. Crome
John A. Phillips Jr.
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This article was developed using publicly available information, such as press releases, municipal records and social media posts.