Wilmette teen’s photography displayed in Central location
New Trier High School senior Andy Oliver knows it is difficult to earn a living as an artist.
So as he begins to explore a career path, he is not sure he should focus on photography. That being said, the “SOLD” signs on his work displayed at Central Station Coffee and Tea shows he has experience with one of the prerequisites: Getting paid.
Oliver’s prints adorn the shop’s east and west walls, depicting cityscapes on one wall and nature landscapes on the other.
An opening reception for the exhibit on Sunday, Oct. 3, saw guests purchase the prints — some more than once — right from the wall.
To Oliver, the first-time transactions were a “little weird” for a teenager who picked up the medium from his grandparents, who are also hobbyists, about eight years ago. He recently honed his craft by taking multiple virtual classes during the pandemic from Richard Stromberg of Chicago Photo Classes.
Oliver likes to venture to the city and wait out photos of Chicago’s iconic infrastructure, or adventure into rugged terrain to find a breathtaking scene, which he did plenty during recent trips to Yellowstone National Park and northwest Oregon.
“I prefer landscapes and cityscapes,” he said. “I don’t like taking (portraits) of people. I don’t find it that it that interesting.”
For more information on Oliver’s work, you can visit his artist web page.
Oliver’s photos are the third exhibit to go up at Central Station since the shop opened in early June.
Cafe owner Katie Degen said she wanted to give an opportunity to local artists, especially those who “may not have the ability and/or means” to display their work.
“We love that Central Station Coffee & Tea can serve as a center for social interaction in our community,” Degen said in an email to The Record, “a place for connecting, networking, sharing and relaxing, not to mention our incredible menu of espresso, coffee and teas!”
Previously installments were a student art exhibit and the paintings of Nikki Householder.
Interested artists can email a note and samples of their work to arts@centralstationcoffee.com.
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Joe Coughlin
Joe Coughlin is a co-founder and the editor in chief of The Record. He leads investigative reporting and reports on anything else needed. Joe has been recognized for his investigative reporting and sports reporting, feature writing and photojournalism. Follow Joe on Twitter @joec2319