Athlete of the Week: 10 questions with Tyler Hardin, New Trier football
Tyler Hardin was a senior wide receiver and defensive back for the Trevians. He scored two touchdowns in the season-ending win at Maine West. Hardin will continue playing at Middlebury College.
1. Do you have pregame rituals or superstitions?
Every night before a game, I like to watch an action movie, some action-filled movie to get me ready. There are certain characters I like to watch, like Batman. Then, when I’m in the locker room I like to get in my zone and listen to music.
2. Why is Middlebury a good fit for you?
Middlebury, there is something special going on over there. They have a great coaching staff, a great, close team, and an exceptional education you can’t really find at many other schools. It’s the balance of both of those. I’m super excited to get up there.
3. What is your favorite thing to do off the field?
I like to pass a lot of time with my friends. Most of my friends are a lot of athletes too, so when we have free time we like to relax and be around each other. I enjoy video games a lot, too, and of course fit in some family time as well.
4. If you could play another sport, what would it be?
I’d probably try lacrosse. I have a couple good friends on the team and just think it would be a lot of fun.
5. Who is the funniest guy on the team?
Hands down Liam Cummins. No matter what time of day it is, he’ll always be cracking jokes and making everyone laugh. A lot of contagious energy, which is just awesome and great for the team.
6. If you’re in Walgreens with a couple bucks, what are you buying?
I’m going to get a .99-cent can of Arizona tea. Definitely one or two packs of Reese’s. Maybe just a yellow Gatorade to top it off.
7. If you won the lottery, what would be your first purchase?
Definitely a yacht and I’d bring all my friends out there and we would have a good time.
8. What is something people don’t know about you?
I like to relax in my free time and just like to hang out. I really like to hang out with my dog. She’s a marki (maltese and Yorkie) named Maddi. I really enjoy warm weather, which is ironic since Middlebury is in Vermont.
9. What do you want to do before heading to Middlebury?
I definitely want to spend a lot of time with friends and family. And I want to work with rising seniors and rising juniors (on the football team) and get them prepared for next season since they have a short offseason. Just mentor them and help them transition.
10. What are your parting thoughts on this unusual, challenging season?
The group of the guys that we had, I don’t think you find that on every football team. We are best friends off the field and that correlated on the field. On top of that, it was a group of kids who wanted to win. Nothing was given to us. We worked super hard in the offseason and it showed on Fridays nights. There were a lot of kids who wanted to play football.

Joe Coughlin
Joe Coughlin is a co-founder and the editor in chief of The Record. He leads investigative reporting and reports on anything else needed. Joe has been recognized for his investigative reporting and sports reporting, feature writing and photojournalism. Follow Joe on Twitter @joec2319