Hanukkah events pivot to the parking lot
Unity extended to the parking lot of two Wilmette congregations over the weekend
Both Beth Hillel Bnai Emunah and the Fraida-Cameron Chabad Center of Wilmette honored Hanukkah with drive-in-style celebrations to maintain safe distancing amid COVID-19.
At Beth Hillel on Saturday, Dec. 12, Rabbi Nate Crane and Cantor Pavel Roytman led the ceremonies, including lighting both an electric and oil menorah and providing music for the faithful in their cards.
The event was broadcast on an FM station, and graphics and words were projected onto the building’s walls.
The next evening, Sunday, Dec. 13, the Chabad Center held a virtual Hanukkah concert that included a menorah lighting, trivia and more for those gathered in their cars.
The center streamed a concert from the band 8th Day, and welcomed an LED robot that kept everyone in good spirits.

Joe Coughlin
Joe Coughlin is a co-founder and the editor in chief of The Record. He leads investigative reporting and reports on anything else needed. Joe has been recognized for his investigative reporting and sports reporting, feature writing and photojournalism. Follow Joe on Twitter @joec2319